Machshavah Lab
My name is Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss. My goal as a Torah educator is not merely to teach my students my OWN hashkafah. Rather, my goal is to equip them with the foundations, the methodological training, and the tools which will enable them to arrive at their OWN understanding of Judaism and cultivate their OWN relationship with Hashem and His Torah. This podcast is devoted to the shiurim I give which are geared specifically towards that end. As such, the range of topics covered here will be diverse. There will be shiurim on Jewish philosophy, Chumash methodology, aggadic midrashim, maybe even some non-Jewish philosophy as well. Merriam-Webster defines "laboratory" as a place providing opportunity for experimentation, observation, or practice in a field of study. I call this podcast "Machshavah Lab" because this is where we will conduct Torah "experiments" by exploring questions, texts, and ideas in an effort to develop our machshavah in a "hands on," exploratory, firsthand manner.
Podcasting since 2020 • 505 episodes
Machshavah Lab
Latest Episodes
Shemos: Two Views of Hishtadlus
Length of article: 4 pagesLength of audio: 15 minutes 29 secondsSynopsis: This is the audio version of the 4-page article I wrote and published on on 1/1...
Season 20
Episode 5
Vayechi: How Never to Be Angry at Anyone or Hate Anyone (Part 1: Questions)
Length of article: 2 pagesLength of audio: 7 minutes 38 secondsSynopsis: This is the audio version of the 2-page article I wrote and published on on 1/9/...
Season 20
Episode 4
Vayigash: Who Sent Yosef to Egypt? (Part 1: The Questions)
Length of article: 2 pagesLength of audio: 8 minutes 19 secondsSynopsis: This is the audio version of the 2-page article I wrote and published on on 1/3/...
Season 20
Episode 3
Avos 4:11 - Angelic Advocates and Accusers (Reexamined)
Length: 1 hour 35 minutesSynopsis: Tonight (1/2/25), in our Thursday night Pirkei Avos shiur for women, we took up an intriguing mishnah about the effects of mitzvos and aveiros. We ended up with two solid interpretations - one that emerged...
Season 20
Episode 2
The Rabbi Schneeweiss Substack Update: 66 Changes I'm Considering for January 2025
Length of article: 3 pagesLength of audio: 9 minutes 12 secondsSynopsis: This is the audio version of the 3-page article I wrote and published on on 1/1/...
Season 20
Episode 1
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