Machshavah Lab

The Perils of Distracted Learning (Avos 3:9)

February 26, 2023 Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss Season 11 Episode 12
Machshavah Lab
The Perils of Distracted Learning (Avos 3:9)
Show Notes

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Have you ever checked your phone while learning in a shiur, chavrusa, or even by yourself? This might seem innocuous, but Chazal teach us in Pirkei Avos that if you interrupt your learning to remark on the beauty of a tree or a field, then the Torah considers it as though you are "liable for your soul." This morning (2/26/23), I gave a YBT Sunday Shiur on that mishnah. After a brief methodological intro, we learned and discussed four different approaches to the mishnah with their practical implications; we concluded with some modern findings which have implications for how to level up not only in our learning, but in our professional lives as well.

Note: This is an updated version of a shiur I gave to my women's Thursday Night Pirkei Avos shiur on 12/29/22 entitled Avos 3:9 - Interrupting Torah for a Tree.
This shiur is dedicated to the memory of my Popo (grandmother), Helen Chang (1924 - 2/1/2023) and my student, Adira Koffsky (2004 - 2/1/2023)

The Torah content for the rest of Adar has been sponsored by my friend and chavrusa Zack, with the following dedicatory message: When asked, "Who is a leader you greatly admire?" my grandfather z”l immediately comes to mind. Each person who entered his presence was brought closer to a better version of themselves. This was due to his staunch belief in people and his uncompromising values. Knowledge is similar — it is indiscriminate and uncompromising in its power to help us become our best selves. Thank you Rabbi Schneeweiss for spreading knowledge, and may the memory of my grandfather, Naftali ben Tzvi, be a blessing.
רמב"ם – הקדמה לשמונה פרקים
משלי א:ד-ה; יח:ט
רמב"ן - במדבר י:לה
רש"י - אבות א:טו
Moshe Halbertal, Maimonides: Life and Thought (2015)
אבות ג:ה,ט,י
רבינו יונה
ר' יעקב ב"ר שמשון
מדרש שמואל
רש"י - שבת דף ל עמוד ב
Rabbi Israel Chait, Transcription of shiur on Pirkei Avos 3:9
Selective Attention Test (Simons and Chabris)
Cal Newport, Deep Work (2016)
If you have questions, comments, or feedback, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me at rabbischneeweiss at gmail.
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