Machshavah Lab

Asarah b'Teves 5781: A Live Prophecy About an Ongoing Tragedy

December 25, 2020 Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss
Asarah b'Teves 5781: A Live Prophecy About an Ongoing Tragedy
Machshavah Lab
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Machshavah Lab
Asarah b'Teves 5781: A Live Prophecy About an Ongoing Tragedy
Dec 25, 2020
Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss

Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!

In this morning's shiur (12/25/20 at Lomdeha) we set out to accomplish three objectives:
(1) to learn, on a basic level, the prophecy in Sefer Yechezkel about the event we are commemorating today
(2) understand the transgressions which led to the catastrophe that are being highlighted in this prophecy
(3) to translate these insights into practical ways for us to do teshuvah today

This shiur was given in memory of my student, Yocheved Gourarie (a"h). Because her life was lost to mental illness, I have chosen Amudim as the recipient of my 10th of Teves fundraising. I chose them because they address a broad spectrum of crises and needs in the Jewish community: addiction, depression, eating disorders, suicidal ideation, and more. They are heavily involved in spreading awareness of these issues in the Jewish community, which has been prone to denial and the urge to brush these matters under the carpet.

Today, on Asarah b'Teves, I urge you to give money to ANY organization which helps the downtrodden. But if you would like to consider contributing to this particular campaign, then you will be helping to advance the cause of mental health awareness and assistance which Yocheved was so devoted to during her lifetime.

Here's the link to my original Facebook post with the donation option:
רמב"ם – משנה תורה, ספר זמנים, הלכות תעניות ה:א-ב
יחזקאל יא: א-יג; כד:א-טו עם פירוש הרד"ק
משלי א:כ-לב
ישעיהו א:טו-יז; ו:י; נה:ח; נח:א-י
ב' מלכים כד:ד עם פירוש מצודת דוד
If you have questions, comments, or feedback, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me at rabbischneeweiss at gmail.
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"The Mishlei Podcast":
"The Stoic Jew" Podcast:
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Show Notes

Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!

In this morning's shiur (12/25/20 at Lomdeha) we set out to accomplish three objectives:
(1) to learn, on a basic level, the prophecy in Sefer Yechezkel about the event we are commemorating today
(2) understand the transgressions which led to the catastrophe that are being highlighted in this prophecy
(3) to translate these insights into practical ways for us to do teshuvah today

This shiur was given in memory of my student, Yocheved Gourarie (a"h). Because her life was lost to mental illness, I have chosen Amudim as the recipient of my 10th of Teves fundraising. I chose them because they address a broad spectrum of crises and needs in the Jewish community: addiction, depression, eating disorders, suicidal ideation, and more. They are heavily involved in spreading awareness of these issues in the Jewish community, which has been prone to denial and the urge to brush these matters under the carpet.

Today, on Asarah b'Teves, I urge you to give money to ANY organization which helps the downtrodden. But if you would like to consider contributing to this particular campaign, then you will be helping to advance the cause of mental health awareness and assistance which Yocheved was so devoted to during her lifetime.

Here's the link to my original Facebook post with the donation option:
רמב"ם – משנה תורה, ספר זמנים, הלכות תעניות ה:א-ב
יחזקאל יא: א-יג; כד:א-טו עם פירוש הרד"ק
משלי א:כ-לב
ישעיהו א:טו-יז; ו:י; נה:ח; נח:א-י
ב' מלכים כד:ד עם פירוש מצודת דוד
If you have questions, comments, or feedback, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me at rabbischneeweiss at gmail.
YouTube Channel:
"The Mishlei Podcast":
"The Stoic Jew" Podcast:
"Rambam Bekius" Podcast:
"Machshavah Lab" Podcast: 
Our Yeshiva:
Our Women's Program:

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