Machshavah Lab

Tishah b'Av 5780: Methodology of Kinnos as Applied to Kinah #31 (Eish Tukad b'Kirbi)

July 11, 2021 Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss
Tishah b'Av 5780: Methodology of Kinnos as Applied to Kinah #31 (Eish Tukad b'Kirbi)
Machshavah Lab
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Machshavah Lab
Tishah b'Av 5780: Methodology of Kinnos as Applied to Kinah #31 (Eish Tukad b'Kirbi)
Jul 11, 2021
Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss

Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!

Synopsis: This is a recording of the shiur I gave over Zoom on Tishah b'Av 5780 (8/14/20). The shiur focuses on a methodology for learning kinos as applied to Kinah #31, the theme of which is a comparison of the Exodus from Mitzrayim to the "Exodus" from Yerushalayim.
Three other things to note:
(1) the actual shiur ends at 1:43:00; from there until the end I answer questions
(2) over the course of this shiur I present my current understanding of the shechinah (for whatever that's worth), which is a topic I haven't written about; if that topic interests you, this is where you'll find my treatment of it, beginning at the 49 minute mark
(3) for this shiur in particular you are advised to watch the YouTube version instead of listening to the audio version, since the shiur was accompanied by an elaborate PowerPoint presentation
If you have questions, comments, or feedback, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me at rabbischneeweiss at gmail.
If you've gained from what you've learned here, please consider contributing to my Patreon at Alternatively, if you would like to make a direct contribution to the "Rabbi Schneeweiss Torah Content Fund," my Venmo is @Matt-Schneeweiss, and my Zelle/Chase QuickPay and PayPal are mattschneeweiss at Even a small contribution goes a long way to covering the costs of my podcasts, and will provide me with the financial freedom to produce even more Torah content for you.

If you would like to sponsor an article, shiur, or podcast episode, or if you are interested in enlisting my services as a teacher or tutor, you can reach me at rabbischneeweiss at Thank you to my listeners for listening, thank you to my readers for reading, and thank you to my supporters for supporting my efforts to make Torah ideas available and accessible to everyone.
YouTube Channel:
"The Mishlei Podcast":
"The Stoic Jew" Podcast:
"Rambam Bekius" Podcast:
"Machshavah Lab" Podcast:
"The Tefilah Podcast":
Our Yeshiva:
Guide to the Torah Content of Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss:

Show Notes

Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!

Synopsis: This is a recording of the shiur I gave over Zoom on Tishah b'Av 5780 (8/14/20). The shiur focuses on a methodology for learning kinos as applied to Kinah #31, the theme of which is a comparison of the Exodus from Mitzrayim to the "Exodus" from Yerushalayim.
Three other things to note:
(1) the actual shiur ends at 1:43:00; from there until the end I answer questions
(2) over the course of this shiur I present my current understanding of the shechinah (for whatever that's worth), which is a topic I haven't written about; if that topic interests you, this is where you'll find my treatment of it, beginning at the 49 minute mark
(3) for this shiur in particular you are advised to watch the YouTube version instead of listening to the audio version, since the shiur was accompanied by an elaborate PowerPoint presentation
If you have questions, comments, or feedback, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me at rabbischneeweiss at gmail.
If you've gained from what you've learned here, please consider contributing to my Patreon at Alternatively, if you would like to make a direct contribution to the "Rabbi Schneeweiss Torah Content Fund," my Venmo is @Matt-Schneeweiss, and my Zelle/Chase QuickPay and PayPal are mattschneeweiss at Even a small contribution goes a long way to covering the costs of my podcasts, and will provide me with the financial freedom to produce even more Torah content for you.

If you would like to sponsor an article, shiur, or podcast episode, or if you are interested in enlisting my services as a teacher or tutor, you can reach me at rabbischneeweiss at Thank you to my listeners for listening, thank you to my readers for reading, and thank you to my supporters for supporting my efforts to make Torah ideas available and accessible to everyone.
YouTube Channel:
"The Mishlei Podcast":
"The Stoic Jew" Podcast:
"Rambam Bekius" Podcast:
"Machshavah Lab" Podcast:
"The Tefilah Podcast":
Our Yeshiva:
Guide to the Torah Content of Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss:

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