Machshavah Lab

Vayeishev + Miketz: Insights from Yosef and His Brothers on How to Respond to Catastrophe

December 01, 2021 Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss Season 6 Episode 22
Machshavah Lab
Vayeishev + Miketz: Insights from Yosef and His Brothers on How to Respond to Catastrophe
Show Notes

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Tonight (12/1/21), in our aptly named "Chumash Exploration," we set out to explore a very, VERY weighty question: how to respond when something bad happens. Our investigation focused on two episodes: the incident of Yosef and Potiphar's wife in Vayeishev, and the response of Yosef's brothers to their predicament in Mikeitz. We began by looking at the seemingly divergent views in the commentaries as to whether Yosef was at fault for being seduced, and then we examined the various explanations given for how the brothers knew that they were being punished for their treatment of Yosef. Thanks to the Ralbag's formulation of his lessons on the parashah and the beautiful opening pages of the Rav's "Kol Dodi Dofeik," we arrived at a theory which shed a new light on both episodes and paved the way for us to deal with catastrophe and suffering in our own lives.
בראשית לט:ו-ז; מב:יח-כא
רש"י - בראשית לט:ו
ר' אברהם בן הרמב"ם - בראשית לט:ו-ז; מב:כא
רד"ק - בראשית לט:ז; מב:כא
רשב"ם - בראשית מב:כא
בכור שור - בראשית מב:כא
ר' בחיי - בראשית מב:כא
רלב"ג - בראשית מב:כא תועלות ט-י
Rav Yosef Soloveitchik, "Fate and Destiny:From Holocaust to the State of Israel" pp.1-9
This week's Torah content has been sponsored in memory of Rabbi Dr Leon & Frances Gersten.
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