Machshavah Lab

She'eilas Shalom ba'Shem (Greeting in the Name of God) Part 1

Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss Season 16 Episode 22

Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!

Length: 1 hour 6 minutes
Synopsis: This evening (6/5/24), in lieu of our Wednesday night Tehilim/Tefilah shiur, we took up a halachic topic: the takanah (Rabbinic enactment) to greet one's fellow with the name of Hashem. This topic is so dense, intricate, and intertwined that we spent the entire time going through the facts and raising questions. We're going to TRY to do Part 2 on Friday morning (because if we don't, there's a VERY good chance I'll forget everything by Shavuos).
רות ב:א-ד
ברכות פרק ט משנה ה
רש"י - ברכות דף נד עמוד א
רמב"ם - פירוש המשניות ברכות ט:ה
ר' יצחק שילת - ביאור לפירוש רמב"ם למשנה
תלמוד בבלי מכות דף כג עמוד ב
ריב"ן שם
מאירי שם
ריטב"א שם
תלמוד בבלי ברכות דף סג עמוד א
מאירי שם
ריטב"א שם
ספר הנר שם
תורה תמימה - רות ב:ד, הערה
The Torah content for this week has been sponsored by Judah and Naomi Dardik in honor of Rabbi Moskowitz's second yahrzeit and in appreciation for all those whose love of Torah and excitement for ideas shines in their teaching.
If you've gained from what you've learned here, please consider contributing to my Patreon at Alternatively, if you would like to make a direct contribution to the "Rabbi Schneeweiss Torah Content Fund," my Venmo is @Matt-Schneeweiss, and my Zelle and PayPal are mattschneeweiss at gmail. Even a small contribution goes a long way to covering the costs of my podcasts, and will provide me with the financial freedom to produce even more Torah content for you.
If you would like to sponsor a day's or a week's worth of content, or if you are interested in enlisting my services as a teacher or tutor, you can reach me at rabbischneeweiss at gmail. Thank you to my listeners for listening, thank you to my readers for reading, and thank you to my supporters for supporting my efforts to make Torah ideas available and accessible to everyone.
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