Machshavah Lab

Can Hashem Transform Into a Human Barber So He Can Cut My Hair? (Part 2)

Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss

Have any questions, insights, or feedback? Send me a text!

This morning's shiur (12/11/20 at Lomdeha) is a continuation of our exploration of the midrash about Hashem transforming into a human barber and cut Sancheriv's hair. After a methodological introduction from the Rambam and Rav Hirsch, we conduct a general overview of seven approaches to the most difficult part of this midrash - one from the Yad Ramah, another from the Ben Yehoyada, and five from the Anaf Yosef. We dive into this seventh approach and attempt to understand every step of the allegory according to the Anaf Yosef's commentary (with an emphasis on the word "attempt"). If there's anything I hope you gain from this wild ride, it's an appreciation of how to approach midrashim like this in GENERAL, and how the ikkarim must serve as the foundations and the fences of whatever approach we take.
רמב"ם – הקדמה לפרק חלק
רש"ר הירש - על מדרשי אגדה
תלמוד בבלי סנהדרין פרק חלק דף צה:-צו.
מתיבתא סנהדרין צה: - ילקוט ביאורים
ענף יוסף (ר' חנוך זונדעל בן יוסף) פירוש לספר עין יעקב סנהדרין צה:
If you have questions, comments, or feedback, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me at rabbischneeweiss at gmail.
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